This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. With the help of an ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage, the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers his life one fateful Christmas Eve.
Enjoy all the fun of live sound effects, retro jingles — and holiday time together. Watch as each actor doubles as a foley artist (someone who creates amazing sound effects), producing a playful acoustic backdrop!
Content Warning: This production contains mentions of suicide.
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Ticket Pricing
Standard General Admission Child (12 & Under) $10
Standard General Admission Adult $15
Premium General Admission Child (12 & Under) $20
Premium General Admission Adult $25
Premium General Admission includes up-front seating for a more immersive experience!
Lap-held Children 3 and Under Free
Groups of 8 or more save 20% off regular pricing*
*Use code Wonderful20 when you book online to select seats for your entire group.
We’re happy to help. For questions about group sales, including paying by check or over time, call our Box Office at 407-937-1800 x701.